May 04, 2008

Of OSTs and Mice

Long time, no see! So lets get cracking...
Last week I got home from University for Easter Holliday (Orthodox - so it was 1st of May) and I went with my moms and pops to see a movie. In the Valley of Elah. It turned out to be a nice movie, that had it's plot twist around nor less, nor more than needed. What I realised was the power of movie background music. Mom was on and on about how sad and hard on the audience some scenes were. In fact I noticed that the music had as much part in inflicting the heavy atmosphere as Tommy Lee Jones' awesome play. And back home I checked for the OSTs of few of the movies I enjoyed in the last months and now I am constantly stuck listening to ambient from movies on the web. As I gave my tribute to the music we always hear and rarely acknowledge let's see what is all this about mice...
Exactly when I got home my little bro brought a pet hamster home due to some lost bet with his girlfriend. So the little fella' was stuck in our house for a week. Althought that in the beginning my parents were like "How can you bring vermin in the house?", with the passing of the days they showed growing interest in what is the little rascal doing whole day. It is noteable that my family is composed of cat's and dog's lovers, and the dude survived his stay with us. And now that he is gone I found out that I miss the little furball. It is surprising how a little thing that was forced upon you can make you more symphatic to it's small life caged in his four walls than you are symphatic to what happens outside your house...

Ok, so here was a little update to fill the ever so big gap. As I received few notices from friends why am I abandoning the blog I decided to see if I can post more regular updates. And probably a little writing project I am starting might provide me with material to post :D .


ammanas said...

Hi there! In spite of not actually commenting on anything on the blog up until this point, I certainly wouldn't want to see you giving up the blog. Now then to the actual comment. I find that background music is often key in piecing together the atmosphere in a movie, anime, game or whatever. And when done with care, some pretty amazing results can be felt. About the hampster - I am not really surprised - those things are as cute as hell:)(not my best analogy but roll with it). Still a friend of mine has a hampster and her mother is genuanly repulsed everytime she goes near his tank so.... to each his own I guess.

Estevan said...

Hi! Thank you very much for noting my sorry attempt at literature :P.
