So last week I watched "Quantum of Solace" and this week I came around to seeing "Casino Royale" for a first time. I decided to give a glance at them here as well. Basically "Casino Royale" had the goal of showing us the new super secret agent / spy who is either enlisted with his code 007 or directly adressed as James Bond. I somewhat enjoy Daniel Craig's personification a lot! Contrary to Pierce Brosnan we got a new even tougher (emphasis on tougher), more primal, more vulgar and more efficient (in most cases) Bond. So let's see how "Quatum of Solace" tries to add some more shades on out super-spy portrait. While the first movie sticks more to the traditional and stylish spy-movie tricks for building suspence, witty dialogue and well placed action (awesome, needed to add that), in the second one I enjoyed the flow of events even more. It was faster, the action
scenes were rough and realistic (most of the time) and the suspence chapters fited perfectly in between. Some may tip this as a downside but while watching the first movie I felt I was left behind on a lot of the stuff. I mean at points the variables kept pileing up. In the second movie events don't lack sudden unexpected turns and still in the end a good chunk of loose treads are solved, while we are left with ton of more stuff to be tackled in the undoubtfully coming sequel. For that matter I say that "Quantum of Solace" fits nice in the tracks the "Casino" build for the new series. So we covered the agent and the action. What else we have there... the girls are nice... I don't need to linger here much, you will see them for yourself anyway. The main vilain is even more sleazy and unnerving and is... how should I put it... evil. The ruling shadows behind him still manage to evade the light most of the time, though Bond's flashlight is always close behind.

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