August 16, 2008


The morning light revealed two vague shapes moving slowly along the coast. Both were tall and male. The slimmer was also taller. The skin of that person was way smoother and pale in comparison to that of his companion. The winds have made it parch and the sun has burned dark colours onto it. The waves ended their jorney at the persons' feet. Slowly pacing ahead in slight disunison the men broke the smooth sand before them. Both left tracks behind that the waves quickly came to engulf and dissolve. The slimmer person's tracks were more shallow and the path behind him was shorter. As the men continued on their way the older man seemed to talk to the younger one. Who heard the words, some of them hit him deep in his mind and soul,... many words of wisdom. But while listening, the young man decided to keep his eyes and ears open to see the everbright light embracing the world, to hear the sound of the sea gently wispering and to feel each grain of sand passing under his fingers... in search of words of his own.

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